We are dedicated to assisting our customer in ANY way possible! Whether it's through our products or services, we can guarantee satisfaction.
When working with P.E.A.T, you are not just a customer; you are family!
Paul Leon,
CEO of PL Creatives (St. Louis, MO)
We love P.E.A.T! Owned and operated by a highly trained and qualified pioneer, Charles Anderson. We began our process with P.E.A.T back in June to help structure and organize our strategies for the second half of 2020. With all of the challenges many small businesses face, Charles curated space to encourage and help you navigate through those challenges with writing and technology. He truly stands by his mission, "To build a community where ideas become a reality." We immediately saw the results of strategic planning and execution through dedication and consistency. Planning Effectively and Thoroughly comes highly recommended. Any sole proprietor, small business, large corporation, or goal-driven individual will complete their experience at a new level of professionalism. You will gain further knowledge of your current and forthcoming business realities.

VeRita Quinn,
CEO of QuESS (Chicago, IL)
Charles, I wanted to let you know how much your book blessed me. I finished it in one sitting! It kept me engaged, it had some great nuggets, and caused me to go back and rethink, and restructure some things, concerning not only my books, but some other ventures. I think anyone who really reads this book and takes to heart what you've written, and shared, will do well. It's not "rocket science", and you've explained it so well. Thank you for being obedient and sharing your expertise.

Bridgette Diggs,
Owner of Cupcake Fetish (St Louis, MO)
This book is perfect for anyone who is thinking of starting a small business. It helps the reader to think about different aspects of business that perhaps were not considered. The activities at the end of each chapter will help the reader to determine if they are ready to move forward with their business ideas.

Taylor Johnson,
Owner of ItWasTaylorMade (Peoria, IL)
Think About It, Talk About It, Be About it was such an amazing book. The Author touched on major topics needed to be heard by aspiring business owners, and as a reminder to current business holders. The topics were relatable, and well explained, so much so that you begin to feel like you are in a class, instructed by new author Charles Anderson, MBA. He's a Life Coach sharing tools to ensure Life Success.